Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sisters Love to Read (March 28, 2014)

Chloe is getting into her first books. She actually really does enjoy looking at each page if you read a book to her, but then inevitably she reaches for it and tries to devour it. Nom Nom Nom!

"No, no, no Chloe. You don't eat the book. You open the book and read it, silly!"

 ::Chloe raises her hand:: "Um, teacher, I have a question. What the heck is this orange thing?"

... and then she begins to love it ... to love books!

... and of course, Lily is a HUGE bookworm. To get her potty trained we bribed her for the first few days by reading books to her on the potty. Every night before bed she wants books and books. We have started the bedtime routine about 30 minutes earlier most days so she can have a lot of books read to her. She picks the books out herself. Now that she has learned her numbers, when we say all done, she says "One! One!" in this really cute voice imitating us a few minutes earlier saying "just one more Lily, this is the last one." She is adorable!

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