Saturday, March 29, 2014

Chloe in March (March 2-29, 2014)

Ok, now if you thought a month in the life of a toddler is a lot. A month for Chloe is over a sixth of her life! Crazy! She is getting so long now. I am positive we'll be able to see a difference from the start of the month to the end ... and get read for some RIDICULOUSLY cute photos. I mean what the heck, are we giving these kids some kind of cuteness hormones?! It's not fair that other people have to measure up to this standard ... just unfair ... like how Lauren is supermom ... just not fair to all of the others!

Here she is bundled up for a nice winter walk in the stroller

... for comparison, here is Lily at a similar age in the stroller ...

 ... and back to Chloe. She is one freaking smiley baby ...

... I mean she never stops. Just happy smiley wonderful time all the time (unless she is alone by herself for a long time, then she screeches until you walk over ... at which time she switches back into happy mode and kicks her legs and waves her arms in absolute uncontrollable excitement that you are coming to get her!)

 ... party at bed time!

... there is a solid gap here of almost two weeks without photos of either girl ... because they both got pink eye and a bad cough as well as mom and dad and so we all laid low for awhile ... but we did get one video. Even with pink eye and a cold, Chloe was still all smiles

 ... and everyone got better just in time for Chloe to turn five months old. Here she is on her birthday! Lots of photos!!

 ... and this is the face I wake up to every morning in bed. She is right next to me pinching the back of my arm until I wake up. Then I look over and she is SO happy, just staring at me, like "finally! you're awake! IT'S THE BEST! I love you! So happy!"

 ... and the smiles don't stop there, the smiles go for miles and miles ...

 oh my god, Lauren wanted to throw this hat away and had it in the throw out pile. I was like, gimme that hat ... and boom, possibly my favorite photo EVER

 ... and Chloe can now sit up on her own. She LOVES it because her view has now gotten a lot more interesting. The cathedral ceiling was interesting for awhile, but gets old. Now she gets to watch sister, mom and dad running around the house all day ... happiness!

 ... and the day isn't complete without some Sophie time. She LOVES Sophie. She tries to devour it whole, which results in lots of fun squeaks!

... here is a video to show it ...

So happy! All the time!

Woah, she is getting big. Here she is today sitting in the park, looking twice the size she looked just a few weeks ago. She is growing crazy fast. Her and Lily will be the same size soon!

 ... and what? another of the most adorable pics EVER?!?!

... oh and Chloe still loves the tickles

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