Saturday, March 1, 2014

Chloe's Hair Styles (February 8, 2014)

Choe's Toupee can be used in many different ways. Speaking with friends, it is apparrent that we are lucky. Other kids commonly have all of their long hairs in the back and thus have a mullet. Chloe conveniently has all of her long hairs on the top front of her head, meaning they can be styled in so many ways ... we had a blast one Saturday evening doing just this.

 ... oh now it becomes clear why her hair was so crazy. Look who was in charge!

 ... what is this? After crazy hair time ... we ... saw ... other adults?!?! No way! A social life? Does that happen any more? Actually this is Cori. Her and her husband Brendan (yes, there is another one!) came over and set up their new projector on our wall. They also brought over the ingredients and baked fresh cookies (delicious!). We had a great night.

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