Saturday, March 29, 2014

Lily Throws a Dance Party (March 18, 2014)

So, the story here is that Lily loves it when mom or dad works out on the yoga mat. She climbs all over us and keeps twisting her head around until her face is under your face and looking up and then she super cutely says "hi, hi, hi" until you say hi. She then runs around, wants to be tickled, climbs under you. It is super cute. So, after that ... I went to play with Chloe and take some pictures. Lily continued to throw a dance party on the yoga mat. Here are some of the photos ...

... this one reminds me of Shirley Temple ...

She was really swinging here. I can't even remember if we had real music on. We usually do ... but she was just having a blast!

There was downward dog, somersaults ... it was a party!

... and finally a nice smile =)

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