Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sisters! (February 9 - March 1, 2014)

Here are Lily and Chloe in matching pajamas. One of our friends commented that matching pajamas was silly because no one sees them in their pajamas ... but we do, and Lily loves to be in matching clothes with Chloe.

All you have to do is set them next to each other and adorableness happens ...

... and when Lily can't have the real thing, she will take very good care of her baby doll ... and if you ask what her baby's name is, she proudly replies "name" ... haha, Lauren figured that one out

... and this is while dad was away hiking in Germany for a week ... Lily was reading stories to Chloe ...

... scary stories where mama owl goes missing and the owl babies are scared ... Lily and Chloe look scared too ... what's going to happen!?

Happy! ... and yes that is a skull on Chloe's shirt ...

Who is that adorable girl in the background photo-bombing Chloe?

... oh no, the adorable photo-bombing girl has Chloe! Help!

Oh good, it's ok ... she's just being gentle ...

WHAT? No! Oh the humanity!


I mean come on. That just isn't fair to all the other kids out there. How can they even compare? I mean really ...

... and here is Lily "playing" with sister. This involves getting really close to her face and excitedly saying "HI! HI! hi! Hi! HI! hi!" and rocking the carseat violently thinking she is in some way giving Chloe a hug ...

 ... and Chloe loves it ...

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