Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Month on Mom's Iphone (February 9 - March 1, 2014)

Here are a collection of photos from Lauren's Iphone over the last month. We always put up the pictures from the camera and forget about the great photos on her iphone!

This is Lily absolutely loving stomping in puddles every time in rains ...

... and here she is loving her big girl swings

 ... and then every week or so, we wake up to this =)

 Awwww ... sisters

 Happy four month birthday Chloe!

Here is a flashback to Lily at six months old. She is trying peas for the first time and is most definitely not a fan. She makes some funny faces.

Here is present Lily (as of a month ago), watching her younger self in home movies. She does a pretty good impression of her young self not liking peas (by blinking a bunch, haha).

... and then for some play time with Mama!

 ... what? It's been a week? Snow day!

 Happy Valentine's Day!

 Then on Valentine's Day, we took the girls in to the doctor's office. Here is Lily supporting her sister through her vaccinations. She did a great job!

... and then when we get back home, she still takes care of her sister ...

... and what? It rained? Party outside! Grab the boots!

 ... and then Lily gave a big shout out to her Aunt Nancy on her birthday.

 ... and Chloe's bumbo-like chair arrived. She is definitely a fan!

 ... and as it starts to get sunnier and warmer, there are more walks in the sunshine for both girls.

 ... the flowers are already in bloom too

Here is Lily dancing to her Baby Signing Time videos. She can't get enough of them!

... and then we got a care package in the mail! Mmmmmmmmm

... and then off to bowling for Lily's friend Greer's birthday party! Who needs to roll the ball down the lane when you can just spin it in circles!

 Lily got ahold of the camera for some selfies ...

 ... and then one of the last snows of the year ... possibly the last, on March 1st ... enjoy it Lily, it might be awhile before you see snow again ...

... and as the sun came out, the snow became puddles ... and Lily had even more fun!

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