Saturday, March 29, 2014

Lily in March (March 2-29, 2014)

Ok, so here is a month of Lily's life. That is crazy because she is only around 20 months old. So this blog post is about 5% of her entire life. Wow. She has grown so much, learned so much, and is SO loved ... and this single collection of photos and videos is 1/20th or 5% of her whole life ... WILD! She is amazing.

Seeing as how she is going through a huge growth spurt right now at the end of the month, see if you can see a big difference from the start of the FORTY SEVEN photos that encapsulate this month.

... as a quick flashback first, here are a few never before seen videos of Lily from the end of January dancing and learning the word Guacamole (guaca guaca!)

... and without further ado, here is Lily in all her glory from 19-20 months old in March 2014 ...

Freaking adorable Lily in the morning. All smiles, hugs, cuddles, kisses, hi's, and so on (most days)

 ... oh, is it still winter? no worries. Snow jacket on and we're out in the freezing weather!

 One of the many words Lily knows is "leaf" and so she loves leaves. This is a beautiful picture of her admiring the many leaves along the walk.

 ... and Tana! (Montana). Lily loves her friend Tana. Tana often gives Lily big wet kisses on the face which Lily loves. Lily gives Tana hugs too, which is adorable to see.

... and then after seeing Tana and having brunch, it was off to the playground ...

 ... muaha, Lily found an electronic device. She is off to press buttons and change settings. Muahaha!

... and Lily of course is learning lots of new words. Any time you ask her what she wants for dinner, she likely says "BASTA!" which means pasta, which is what's for dinner every night in the dining hall. Now, Lauren made a delicious soup and that is Lily's new favorite word. She also likes creating her own soup by putting her food into her water cup and saying "soup!"

... and then Lily takes care of her little sister ...

 Fashion week at La Casa Dilloughery (it's a real thing, and it's European so you know the fashion is legit)

 Awwwww, someone's sad

 ... but getting happier ... and so freaking cute ...


I know, let's play ring around the rosie! All goes well until daddy tries to film it. It's just like when daddy takes out the camera and Lily runs off. "Say cheese!" "No!"

 ... and now that the weather is nice, it's time to head outside!

 ... the walk back to the apartment from the dining hall at lunch is often a treacherous hike through the woods. At nap time, it is a risky time to be out in the woods. You never know what you might see, happy Lily or whiney tired Lily.

 Gelato! Just a few spoonfuls and you have a very happy child!

 What? AND agua!?! The fountain is back on! It's spring again!

 ... and in between classes and at the end of the day, we get to hang out in the sun on the terrace. This was just such an afternoon on the terrace ...

... and of course there is always time for the swings!

... and then time for presents, because, why not? Lily takes after her dad for sure. It's the island lifestyle. There's no rush to life, take your time. Most kids might tear into a present, but Lily takes two minutes to patiently unwrap her new present, haha

... and then she learns a new word to go with her new purse, "shopping!"

 ... then rain for a few days ... which Lily LOVED ... puddles! (she excitedly calls them agua and stomps around forEVER until we pull her away)

 .... and of course Lily has more than one warm rain outfit. She looks adorable in all of them!

 ... and as Lily begins to talk more and more, she wants to call her grandparents more and more. We have started leaving voice messages for our grandparents where Lily says things like, "hi" "happy!" "sunny!" "blu!" (blue) and so on. She hasn't quite figured out how to use the phone yet, lol

 "Lily, show me your teeth" and this is what I get, haha

 Awwww, so cute!

She's like a hundred feet tall now! She is a kid, not a toddler. Too fast Lily! Too fast!

 Potty training has been going super well. No pants, no diaper, and no accidents for two days in a row. We have even been going down to the dining hall and then to the park after that and she has held it for 2-3 hours and waiting till we got home. She is a pro!

 I mean, come on. It's just not fair. She melts my heart. How ... just how is she so freaking cute!?!

... and this is what I get when my back is to the sun and I ask Lily to say cheese, haha


 I got her! She was trying to run and hide instead of saying cheese, but I got this action shot as she ran by ... to ... the fountain!

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