Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Rare Glimpse of the Parentals (March 2 - 20, 2014)

This is how happy hour works. Daddy drinking his wine, and Lily only eating if she is on dad's shoulders (once and only time, but she insisted, haha)

... just relaxing after Sunday brunch on the elementary school hammock swing. Lily loves it (and so does dad)

... and then Lily loves to get ahold of the camera and take photos of dad ...

Playing around in the grass after lunch. Everyone is dressed up and having fun ... Lily's favorite past times are seeing the lizards (and waving to them and saying "hi!") and picking flowers

 Super mom out and about with Chloe

 What a Sunday! It was one of the first sunny Sundays we had, and though it was cold, we had a blast.

... and here is super mom at home with the girls. You can see Lily's baby doll hanging out on the couch. Lauren feeds one while entertaining the other.

... and either baby can be worn in the pack. Here is a tired, clingy Lily hanging out while super mom prepares the family a delicious meal ...

... and here is the finished meal ... MMMMM! We (mostly Lauren except for the guac) made our advisees a great Mexican dinner

 ... and here is super mom out and about. She often takes the two girls out (Chloe in the stroller) in between keeping the house up, raising Lily and Chloe to be insanely awesome, potty training Lily, cooking amazing dinners, and so on ... all around, too impressive. She needs to tone it down so dad doesn't feel so bad =)

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