Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lily (February 9 - March 1, 2014)

Here is Lily in a super cute outfit

... and Lily enjoying egg soup for the first time ... oh boy that was a fun one

... and a new butterfly book

... and a random one with extra flash

... and a black and white one

Silly hats?!

Silly hat!

Lily LOVES her gelato


 Lily's mom is so gangsta that her teeth have natural bling

Naked Lily

... and as the weather warms up, we are spending more and more time playing on the balcony

... and then we got a car package! Here is Lily wearing her new hat from Aunt Mary (and Chloe has a matching one!). She is playing with her new toy phone that records and plays messages. She's also wearing her new scarf ... while her dad eats his Irish chocolate bars he got sent

... and this is how workouts happen in the Dilloughery house. Lily is helping everyone out ...

... and when Lily isn't helping mama work out, she is playing in her sister's swing ...

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