Saturday, April 5, 2014

Spring has Arrived! (March 20 - April 5, 2014)

As spring arrives in Lugano, we head outside. We can't get enough of the warm sun, and it is only getting warmer and warmer. We've started having dinner outside, wine and proseco in the afternoon. Life is good.

Here are Lauren and Chloe taking sunny selfies on one of our four balconies.

 ... and Lily cuddling with her dad, all dressed up for lunch ...

Awwww ...

... and then the long journey home after lunch, full of lots of playtime ...

 ... and then we head off on walks as often as we can. Lily's little blue eyes can't handle the sun. We need to get her some nice sunglasses!

Oh yeah, Lily doing some stretches or hip hop dancing before our walk. Gotta work it out!

 Sunny spring selfies!

 Olaf! You'll melt in the Sun!

 ... and dad all dressed for work. It is great that I get to go to lunch with Lauren and the girls 3 days a week. After lunch we have a nice half hour or hour where we can relax and play on the grass before my next class. I will miss the lunches and play time!

Awww, sisters

 ... and Lauren's second to last weekend duty for the dorms came and went. Lauren hosted marshmallow roasting around a campfire. Mmmmmmm.

 ... and then it was off to the park! We couldn't do it in person, but we sent our happy birthday wishes to Auntie Bri. We were thinking of you.

 ... and of course when it is sunny, we need sun hats. Lily is all too happy to help out.

 ... and Chloe looks ADORABLE in her sun hat (or with it, as she eats it up)

 ... and since daylight savings, it is sunny until after Lily's bedtime so we can have our baths out on the terrace. Lily loves this. What a view!

 Here are Lily and Chloe hanging out on the grass after lunch.

 Lily loves picking flowers for all of us, and this time she really wanted to put a flower in Chloe's hair.

 She tried imitating mama (how she pulls some hair and puts on a band). She couldn't get the flower to stay ...

... and finally, there it is ...


 Woah, now those are some flowers to put in Chloe's hair ...

 ... and then we were off on a trip somewhere, and guess what ... Chloe was smiling again!

 What to do while dad is at work? Get together with the other moms and go on a hike.

 Lily hanging out with her best friends on a log in the woods. Lauren tells me the kids loved it. They were charging all over the place, digging holes, making a mess, and just having a blast.

 ... and then back to school for a nice dinner outside on the patio

 ... and after dinner, some hang out time on the grass

 These were from today. Lily is getting so big. We just bought her some sand toys because we are heading to Egypt's coast on the red sea in one week. We will spend ten nights in our first all-inclusive resort. It has huge swimming pools, water slides, unlimited food and drinks, and it is on the beach. She is loving the bucket/pale so far ...

1 comment:

  1. I love the selfie of Lauren and Lily and the pictures of Lily putting flowers in Chloe's hair!
