Thursday, April 24, 2014

Spring Break 2014 - Jeff & Blair (April 13-21, 2014)

We had two great friends to spend spring break with. Our friend Jeff that we met in Ecuador came to visit us for a four day weekend. He is working in Cairo. Here he is arriving and we are super happy to see him!

 ... and here is an awesome shot of him sailing out into the Red Sea on our little dive trip ...

 ... and our other friend that spent about eight days with us, is Blair from school. She was great with the girls and Lauren and her got a lot of quality time by the pool (especially during the girls' nap time!)

Here is Blair conquering the world on a camel ...

... and then sadly we had to say goodbye to our friend Jeff as he headed back to work ...

... but hopefully he will be coming to Switzerland soon to visit us before we leave!

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