Saturday, April 5, 2014

Chloe is eating solid foods - "Baby Led Weaning" (March 31 - April 4, 2014)

So, after going to the doctor and hearing Chloe was so strong and ahead of the game by sitting up already we were feeling great ... until the doctor said that he couldn't believe we hadn't started Chloe on solid foods yet! We panicked and immediately shoved food into her mouth. Here was the first attempt, giving her some mashed up banana. The first food to enter her mouth other than a boob!

... and even though she just moved it around in her mouth, made chocking/sneezing noises, and drueled out the food, she was smiling and loving!

... and then after our doctor recomended this style that Lauren had heard of, Lauren read a book about baby led weaning. It basically means that you give the baby pretty much any and all normal adult food and the babies teach themselves how to eat. They will spit it out if they eat too much and start to choke. They learn how much they can fit in their mouths and how to do it. You would have to ask Lauren for all the info, but it sounded awesome and Chloe did great!

Here was our first attempt. Chloe got full steamed vegetables just like her big sister.

 ... and Lily LOVES this. Now Lily will only sit in her booster seat, because she says the high chair is for "sissy." She gets a kick out of watching Chloe eat (aka make a mess). Lily just keeps telling us how dirty and messy her sissy is. Here was attempt number two:

... and sadly we didn't bring the camera or iphone down to dinner the evening after this lunch. Chloe got to eat chicken wings and LOVED THEM. We just gave them to her whole and she attacked them until she was just gnawing on the bone. Now most of the food just fell into her lap or on the ground, but she definitely ate a good amount and loved it. Then she had some apple and some orange (we just cut them in half and let her go at it). She loved it all!

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is awesome. She moved up to solid foods FAST. Chicken wings in the first few days? I'm impressed. The videos are great.
