Saturday, April 5, 2014

Cutest thing I have ever seen (April 3, 2014)

Ok, now this was the cutest thing I have EVER seen. So, I was home alone with the girls because it was a Thursday night and Lauren has her dorm duty every Thursday. I put the girls down for bed. Now Lily is teething and getting in her molars so for about three nights in a row she has been waking up with a 103 fever and being pretty clingy/fussy for awhile before going back to bed with another bottle (and usually after getting a little Motrin). So, Lily wakes up once or twice and I think she had a dirty diaper one time, no biggy. They are sleeping well ... then at about 11:30pm, just before Lauren is to get home from dorm duty, as if on cue, both Chloe and Lily wake up crying. Chloe is up and not going back down because she is hungry. So i pick her up and go get Lily. Lily has a dirty diaper (which she can't stand in the middle of the night and needs to be changed before she can sleep again). She also has a fever of 103 again. So I am holding Chloe in one arm and Lily in the other. I change their diapers and plop them on the bed. I go to toss out their diapers and wash my hands, thinking they will be screaming and crying on the bed because I left them there and walked away. This is what I come back to ... no joke. This is at almost midnight, Lily having a fever of 103 and Chloe is starving ... but ... Lily finds a book on the bed and decides to read to her sister: 

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