Thursday, April 24, 2014

Spring Break 2014 - Lily is a Pizza & Juice Fiend (April 13-21, 2014)

First of all, Lily is a juice fiend. She can drink an entire cup in about one or two sips.

Secondly, both girls are huge pizza fans. Chloe just kind of gums it for awhile happily ... 

 ... but Lily, she's a whole different animal. This girl was crazy for the pizza. At random times at the pool, she would just turn to you and start with, "pizza" and no matter what you said to her, her response was "pizza" until about 5-10 minutes later when she either got her pizza, finally got distracted, or had a melt down, haha

Here is Lily telling us her craving ...

Here is a video of Lily on a pizza high right before crashing out for a nice four hour nap in the afternoon.

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