Saturday, April 5, 2014

Around the House (March 21 - April 5, 2014)

Here are some shots from around the ouse over the last few weeks ...

Here is Chloe at 5.5 months old, just chilling out on her water mat getting some quality tummy time.

 ... and here are some DELICIOUS chocolate chip cookies Lauren made. She got the ratio perfect - half cookie dough and half chocolate. They were AMAZING.

... and Chloe loves hanging out on her back. That means she can grab her feet and suck on her toes ... mmmm would you like some toast with that jam?

... and of course she is an all star pro at sitting up. The doctor praised her saying she is so young to be sitting up so well, then scolded us for not giving her solid food yet, haha


Whoops! Not quite perfect yet, haha

 Lily, always with the "boots!"

 ... and Chloe always with the smiles, ALWAYS

 ... and again Lily picks out the shoes. She says mama has to where the high heels. She almost made Lauren where her heels to the park, telling her she couldn't take them off after a few attempts ... but then luckily she got distracted right before they left and Lauren made the switch ... the best is that Lily puts on the high heels (stands in the front bottom part) and clops around the house with perfect balance and loves it. She truly is an Ecuadorian. Every girl in Quito wore high heels around town
... and Lily is learning her colors. We tried to get a video of her excitedly shouting "Lellow! Lellow!" and waving the yellow marker around. Instead, she stopped the second we started filming (as usual) and you can see how well she listens, haha.

 What? Olaf is smiling again?!

... and so is her tired sissy! (you can see the bags under the eyes as she gets ready for a nap)

 ... and Lily knows that the best exercise is some morning yoga ... 

 ... look at that morning hair.

 "... do I have something in my teeth?"

URMAHGERD! (it's a meme)


... awwww, Lily let Chloe sleep with her favorite cuddle partners

 ... and Lily and Chloe love to hold hands ...

... and Lily gets a kick out of it when Chloe sucks on her hand ...

 ... so why not try it out herself? lol

 Then it was hat time! Lily climbed into the wardrobe and pulled them all out. She picked out hats and had me put them on sissy. She also put a few on herself.

 ... Chloe is getting chunky!

Fun hats!

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