Thursday, April 24, 2014

Spring Break 2014 - Hanging out at the pools (April 13-21, 2014)

Here we are hanging out by the pools in the morning ...

... getting on our shades ... or as Lily calls them, "bessy"

... oh yeah

 ... and man were they some nice pools

 ... and of course Olaf was happy all day every day. She couldn't stop smiling.

... Lily meanwhile took a little while to warm up to the pools. She was ultra happy in the room in the morning and then would get a little whiney when first at the pools. After awhile, she would be back to super fun happy playtime Lily.

 ... and selfies always help!

Ok, she's ready for some fun!

... and then she gets tired as it becomes nap time. At home in Switzerland she takes on nap a day ... on vacation, by her choice, she was happily taking two solid naps a day for a total of 4-6 hours. She enjoyed her vacation.

Just once, on the last day, we let Lily have her bottle by the pool so we could spend extra time with our friends before they left ... Lily loved it ...

 ... and then it was family fun time in the pool!

1 comment:

  1. It's official, Lauren. I officially got cuteness overload fever from all of the pictures of your adorable kids. I love the photos! I love how Olaf and Lily look so innocent and adorable. You guys hanging out by the pool is such an adorable moment. Take care and have fun!
    Stella Hammond @ Palm City Pools
