Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring Break 2014 - Milan for the afternoon (April 25, 2014)

With another day off, we decided to head to Milan for the afternoon. Lily said she was ready and it was time to "go." I mean, she looks ready, right?

We had a nice burger and beer on the river

 Lily was looking adorable!

 ... and then it was back home, with two napping girls ...

... and back at home after our naps, Chloe rolled over for the first time! ... and the second and third and fourth and many more times. Lily did it once and then not for a long time again. Once Chloe did it once, her second time was about 20 seconds later and then it was all over and rolls and rolls and rolls.

Spring Break 2014 - Funiculare up Mount San Salvatore (April 24, 2014)

Waking up at home in Switzerland has its perks.

 ... and then it was time to feed the girls. Chloe happily chowed down some food as usual.

Then it was time to play dress up, to get ready for our big day out.

... and off we went. The flowers in town were blooming

 We were off to the funiculare. It means a kind of train/cable car that goes straight up steep hills or mountains. We took the funiculare up Mount San Salvatore which is right across from us, and in the middle of the U-shaped Lake Lugano. It has an AMAZING view from the top (and there is a restaurant and playground). Interesting fact, it has been running for 124 years, since 1890.

Our friend Steve joined us for the trip.

 The views were stunning, even Lily couldn't peel her eyes away.

 ... and then we made it to the top. Time for snacks.

... after snack time, you go up some stairs to the top of a tiny church, and from there you get the best view of all.

... and here is the panoramic view from the top.

 ... and no surprise, Olaf was happy

... and back down we started ...

... and then before heading down, we had to stop at the playground for awhile.

 ... and this is how green it is EVERYWHERE in Switzerland right now. That is what months of rain and snow get you, blue skies, sunshine and green green trees.

 ... and all good things must come to an end. We headed back down for nap time.

... and once back home, there is nothing like some playtime

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Spring Break 2014 - Flying Home (April 22, 2014)

Eventually all good things must come to an end. We went to one last dinner at the resort's restaurant ...

 ... and Chloe was so tired she fell asleep with her chicken still in her hand ...

 ... and then "airplanes!" as Lily says ... we bought Lily one little souvenir in the airport and both her and Chloe love it

... and then it was off ... oh boy, flying with two kids under two ... it is ... constant ... with no breaks ... but not too bad, and it wasn't too long ...

... and then POOF, we were home!

... some of us looked a little worse for the wear ... but still happy

Spring Break 2014 - Camel (April 21, 2014)

... and of course, no trip to Egypt would be complete without a camel ride!

 Lauren was the first one to go for a ride ...

... and then Chloe!

... even Lily reluctantly went up on the camel. She is so funny. All she talked about the whole trip was "pizza" and "ca-mel", but when we would get out there all she wanted to do was point and say camel ... not actually ride it ... but she did, even if only for a moment, lol.

oOo the camel is puckered up for a nice kiss. It even has on its red lipstick.

 ... and after her ride Lily was quite thrilled ...

She celebrated by trying on every pair of sunglasses she could find ...