Saturday, October 26, 2013

Girls Play While Dad is Away (Oct. 22nd-25th, 2013)

Girls Play While Dad is Away

Here is Lily, not missing a beat, just hanging out in her toy been with her toys.

Here is Chloe striking a pose with her hand to her chin. She's thinking deep thoughts.

Here is Lily looking super grown up. I have no idea how she grew up so fast, but all of a sudden you look at this and she is a kid! She is sitting in her new booster seat.

Lily isn't so big when you look at her this way.

Ms. One-derful! This is what a young Elton John looked like.

Aww yeah, just relaxing. Takin' it easy.

What happened? So sad! 

Oh no! You won't fit into your toy house! So sad! 

Chloe doesn't approve. Her big sis should let Chloe try to fit into the toy house. She might just be able to fit.

... and then here are the two torturous photos I got while away. They were super cute and just made me miss my girls even more ... what cruelty?!

... and then here is Lily having a blast with her mom while dad is away. Lily loves getting tickled.

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