Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chloe's Birthday (Oct. 12th, 2013)

So ... at about 4am, Lauren started feeling a little pain ... and feeling a little funny ... but kept this to herself. Lauren, Lily and Dad headed down to breakfast around 8:30 at the dining hall. All of a sudden, mom takes the keys and says she feels funny and she is going home. Dad knows what's happening. Dad packs up Lily and all the gear and climbs the mountain to the house, where mom is lying on the couch in pain ... hmmmm, obvious signs. In the next hour, the babysitter is called, the hospital is called, bags are packed, showers are taken.

Here is Lily's babysitter Jenna

... and grandma is practically glowing

... and dad is excited ... I tried to take a picture of the elusive mother, for which I got yelled at by Lauren and then told for the umpteenth time that this is the part where mom thinks nothing is funny and is really angry (she won't think this is funny either, haha)

Here is the view from our hotel room hospital room

... and some final pictures of the preggo mother! I got a shot or two in between contractions.

Lookin' good!

... and then BAM! Baby! Ok, it wasn't that immediate, but one minute it's just Lauren and I and then all of a sudden there's this other little person ... eyes open, looking around, seemingly smiling ... I guess she'll just be around for, you know, the rest of our lives, no biggy

Mother and daughter minutes after birth

... and then they took her away to wash her, check all of her vitals, etc etc ... and here she is after she was brought back to use, all clean and with her black Ecuadorian hair nice and combed

... then grandma got to meet her new granddaughter for the first time (only one person was allowed to be in the room with Lauren during the delivery)


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