Sunday, October 13, 2013

Jenna's Story - Lily's Day Out (Oct. 12th, 2013)

Jenna's Story - Lily's Day Out

While things were developing at the hospital down the street, Lily was having quite the day with Jenna. Here is the story as we received it by text ... in Jenna's words ...

First we played. Then We were watching Sesame Street like this 

but then this happened....
For about an hour and a half. Now we are going to have lunch. But she's happy and signing eat
Lunch time fun. She signed banana, eat & water. 

Yay!!!! We are practicing saying sister over here. Sun is shining so we are going out for a walk.
Hi mama! I just got home from the park at Hadsall. This is the face I made when Jenna suggested we go so I can find a rich boyfriend since you will be busy with my sister for awhile. 
I couldn't decide which pair of shoes to wear so I let my magic ball decide. 

When we got there I practiced being cute by riding on the swing. 

Then I practiced my agriculture skills by playing in the dirt. 

Then, hoping some boys were peering out the windows watching me I showed off my balancing skillz.   

My beautiful smile finally brought out ((a student)). He tried to play with me and asked me to sign his form. But I was too shy so I hid in Jenna's legs and she signed it for both of us.  Since I was being shy he left and I went back to being my fun self. 

It was cold so Jenna put my hat on. I wasn't too sure about it so I took some selfies to make sure I was still stylin. 
Here's some pretty clouds. 
Then I showed my nature skillz but playing in the grass. But Jenna wouldn't let me eat any. 

I tried to make friends with this hedgehog who randomly appeared but this time he was the one who was shy. 
So we came home and now I'm playing with my ball again. I'm in a great mood and have been very good for Jenna. She says not to worry, we are only going to have a few boys over to drink grandma and daddy's wine.

1 comment:

  1. I am in love with Lilly ( after Annabelle). Make sure they will be home in April.
