Saturday, October 19, 2013

Lily Visiting the Hospital (Oct. 12th-18th, 2013)

Lily Loves the Hospital

So, after Chloe was born, an anonymous baker left us a great pumpkin bread (thank you Carolyn Warner!). We gave Lily a taste, and of course she LOVED it. 

... so in a cockney accent she asked "Please sir, I want s'more"

... and this was her reaction after we said "No way Jose!"

"Just kidding! You can have some more"

... and then just to see what she would do, we gave her the whole loaf ...

... and then just for fun we had her make some goofy faces, because she was nice and wound up ...

 ... and she really wanted to be like her sister and her mom. To be like her mom, she got a stuffed animal (actually two). She carries them with her wherever she goes and hugs and kisses them all day long. To be like her sister she wanted to ride around in this little bassinet.

... and then play time in the hospital room!

... and cell phones!

... and tickles!

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