Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lily Meets Chloe (Oct. 13th, 2013)

Lily Meets Her Little Sister

Lily was very excited to get to the hospital room. Here she is all wound up. We are waiting on the nursery to bring Chloe by.

 Chloe arrives! Now the super, super sad part is that I took a video of Lily meeting Chloe for the first time and Lily just kept hugging her and kissing her and hugging her and signing baby and kissing her and it was the most adorable thing you have ever seen ... and somehow it dissapeared off of Lauren's phone when I imported everything to Iphoto ... so sad! ... anyways, here are the pictures of them meeting

Lily is very excited to see Chloe and could not get close enough, or enough hugs, or enough kisses ...

Here she is trying to hug Chloe ... which is super cute ...

... until she pulls too hard! haha

so cute!

Here she is signing for baby because she wants the baby

... and no matter where she was, she kept wanting to touch her and kiss her ...

I think this is what the future holds ... her big sister looking over her and out for her at all times ...


... and here is a video of Lily having a blast in the room while we were waiting for Chloe to be brought to us

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