Saturday, October 5, 2013

Lake Como (August 25, 2013)

Heading to Como for the Day

Here is Lily at our apartment, getting ready for a full day out. We drove about 30-50min to a small town called Cernobio on Lake Como.

Some fancy Italian houses and steeples ...

... and then we found a park, which Lily was a huge fan of!

... and then Lily learned to go down a slide for the first time. Here she is doing it all on her own.

... then we went for a nice walk next to Lake Como

... and then we had an awesome meal in Italy (PIZZA!) to celebrate Lauren's late birthday as her real birthday was the Monday that was our first day of work in Switzerland (not too exciting and very busy)

Lily loves the meal is was acting it up

... Lily does not approve ...

... and then crazy baby!

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