Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lily's Second Hospital Visit (Oct. 13th, 2013)

Second Family Meeting

Here is Lily meeting her sister. She liked Chloe's mittens so much she decided she needed one for herself.

... and she loved watching dad put it back on Chloe ... Chloe has quite the nails right now and got in a few early scratches before we took the mittens out of the hospital bag (mom came prepared ... I never would have remembered that!)

 Then we had to physically restrain Lily from giving hugs a little too strongly ...

... but with some help, she was able to give some soft hugs

... and here is dad thinking about the future ... so handsome and pensive ... what a happy guy

... and here is the video we've all been waiting for. Here is Lily meeting Chloe for the second time ...

1 comment:

  1. Such cuteness! Loved the video! Cassidy watched it and said, "please Daddy, can I have a baby sister?"
