Saturday, October 19, 2013

Chloe's First Week of Life (Oct. 12th-18th, 2013)

Chloe's First Week

Just as a recap, here is Chloe on her birthday. This first one is moments after her birth, still gooey and fresh ...

... and then the nurses cleaned her up, combed her hell, put some mousse and gel in it, gave her a manipedi, a spa day, and back she came looking fantastic

... and look at those curls already!

... and here she is one day old ...

Here she is at four days old, looking adorable with her dark hair, olive skin, and chubby cheeks

... and here she is now five days old. Getting older by the day. She is now 25% older than she was yesterday.

... we have a little Zoolander on our hands. This is the blue steel look.

... and more smiles. Day 5 is a good day.


I just hear Joe from friends saying "Heeeyyyyyyy" with a clicky gun hand pointed at you.

... wow, day 6 is apparently a good day too. It's good to be Chloe

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