Saturday, November 2, 2013

Flashback from the GramCam (July 9th - October 16th, 2013)

A Flashback From Grandma's Camera

Here we are back to our first day in Santa Cruz after arriving home from Ecuador. Lily is enjoying her splash pad for the first time.

... and then a family hug (Chloe is in there too!). Lily is eyeing grandma.

This is a great picture. Lily looks ADORABLE! This is her actual first birthday. The party had to wait about 10 days until everyone was free, but this was the real day.

Auntie Bri blowing some bubbles ...

... and the rest of the family hanging out as well. Everyone came over to wish Lily and happy birthday.

... and here is her first bite of a cupcake. She grabbed that all by herself and just so politely took a small bite. We were cracking up. No fistfuls or wondering what it is, just nicely picking it up and taking a nibble ... the mashing and squeezing came later ...

... and then we just kind of hung around grandma's and grandpa's for a few weeks ... having some fun ...

... reading with great grandma

... relaxing in the garden with mom

... and it was so sunny Lily needed her shades ...

.. and then finally the day of the party arrived and Megan came to the rescue. Megan and Kyle showed up super early and were a great help. Good friends!

Super cute pic of Bri!

Woah, who gave that girl a hot dog? She seems to be enjoying it.

Auntie Nancy

... and then swim lessons with dad and mom ...

We had to weigh Lily, and yup the scale read "heavy"

Camille came over to play in the pool and we had some fun.

... and then mom drove away with the gals to hang out in Morro Bay. I'm told they had a blast.

Lauren at about 31 weeks with Chloe still inside.

... and Lily enjoying a nice book before heading off to Switzerland.

Switzerland! The McKee girls love it!

... and so does Lily?

Lily always helps dad out when he builds IKEA furniture. She is such a good helper

... and then dad sent her to jail

... and after getting out of the slammer Lily was on her best behavior

haha, just kidding ... she was crazy!

 She would go on walks with grandma

... and play in the park with grandma

... and hang out with her mom (this is about a day or two before Chloe was born) 

... and boy was she excited to play with grandma all day in the house while dad was at work

... and she's definitely had some gelato as there is a gelato place on campus that make AMAZING mint chocolate chip gelato

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