Friday, November 29, 2013

Sisters Goofing Around (November 20, 2013)

Chloe: "Doot dee doo, that's a nice looking wall over there"
Lily: "Hey guys, watch me totally sneak up on sister"

Lily: "Gotcha!

Chloe: "What the heck?!?"
Lily: "hehehe"

Chloe: "Where is she? Why I oughta ..."

... and then it was time for a photo shoot. 

For some reason, the girls decided to make all the same faces at first. First a nice classic smile ...

... then an open mouth laughing smile ...

... and then a nice slap in the face! (haha, just kidding Lily does it super soft. She has learned "soft, soft, soft" from petting dogs and so she loves petting Chloe's face and hair) 

... and her sister loves it

... and back to match each other ... a nice lean-back smile

... and then just a smiley baby

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