Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sisters Around the House (October 27th - November 1st, 2013)

Oh, it's just a normal day back at the house ... every one wakes up slowly

Then we start by cleaning up in our pajamas

... and then of course we mess it up a bit

... and then we can't quite figure out if we are cleaning or messing up by pouring water all over and playing in it. Lily has figured out that pressing the nipple of her sippy cup into the ground opens it and water pours out. So of course that is her favorite thing to do after asking for "agua, agua, agua, agua ..." She very cutely touches the tip of her nose with her finger and repeats agua when she wants water.

...and then we pose for our stylish photo of the day

... and then we get dressed. Lily loves this part. She will grab her own clothes and put her arms out one by one to get dressed. Then once she is dressed, she runs over to the top of the steps to show it off to her mom. She goes 'rawr' and laughs, and everyone in the living room is very impressed with her outfit.

... and then it is time to cuddle with sister for a bit

...and then play time ..

... and then it is nap time. We can cuddle with sister while we drink some milk and have a story read to us. Lily loves her stories.

...and then nap time for both sisters. Here are the many faces of Chloe sleeping.

... and then some more cuddle time. They are both wearing their matching owl shirts. Now of course, in case you don't have kids, the way a "camera" works ... is that when you take it out, the kids agree that only one will smile at a time. See, first Lily can smile and look around while Chloe makes silly faces ...

... and then Chloe can look forward and start to smile ... while Lily hides her face

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