Friday, November 29, 2013

Lily's First Snow (November 22, 2013)

We woke up to our first snow in Switzerland. It was a sleep-in day for us, but my alarm accidentally went off. I got up to shut it off and when I laid down in bed, I looked up at the skylight and it was covered in snow. I said, "Lauren! The skylight is covered in snow!" and within minutes we were all up, shutters being opened, Lily was getting into her shoes and jacket ... we were a hustlin' and a bustlin' to get outside while it was still snowing. Sure enough it started dumping down snow and Lily LOVED it.

This is what we woke up to ...

... and this was a minute or two later

... and then another minute or two later

... and then this

Lily absolutely loved it ... and looked adorable playing in it

... all the while Chloe was hanging out snug as a bug inside, just smiling away

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