Saturday, November 30, 2013

More Sisters!! (November 20-27, 2013)

Here they are loving hanging out together

 ... and even more cuddle time! Lily loves to run over to the couch and slap it and say "sit!' and put her hands up in the air  ... so you can pick her up and put her on the couch. Then she holds out her two hands and says "sister!" and you lay Chloe on top of her. This is all she wants to do all the time ...

... even today when we went to get Chloe's passport photos. Lily just sat down on the ground in the middle of the store and held Chloe

 ... and when we can't hug sister, we love to hug Mama!

... but we love sister too!

... and since all of the photos were of Chloe. I thought I would throw one up of Lily. Here she is, with her hair finally long enough for pony tails and pig tails ... and she's wearing her "Made in Ecuador" shirt.

... and in honor of sisters ... here is a great photo of Grandma with her sisters!

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