Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lily Really is THAT crazy about Chloe (November 2nd-10th, 2013)

Lily really, really likes her sister. "sis-ter" is one of the only words she knows ... and it is probably the word she says most. She sits down on the floor and holds out her hands, saying that she wants to hold the baby (like below). When you are holding the baby, she pats the couch and says "sit" excitedly because she wants to sit with you and baby. When Chloe is in the swing, lily leans over the swing and just stays there with her elbows resting on the sides of Chloe's legs, stairing at her sisters face ... and then giving her a few kisses.

Lily likes to check out Chloe in detail. She is looking at her hands and finding it very interesting.

... and the face is so interesting too

Our friend here, Carolyn Warner, knit Chloe a quilted blanket which Lily immediately went bonkers for. Carolyn then took the time to knit Lily a miniature one for her baby doll (which Lily plays with non-stop when she can't touch and hold her real sister). Lily is good at trying to put the blanket on the baby.

Here is a video of her trying ...

... and then she gets a little distracted ...

... and then some time with her real sister again ... and again, only one baby can smile at a time, those are the rules

... and then after we take Chloe away, it's back to taking care of her other sister ... first some Chapstick to make sure your lips don't get too dry ...

Awww, then hugs because that's what big sisters are for

... and then if her doll isn't around, Lily is just as happy taking care of her Tahoe bear

... and then when Chloe starts feeding, Lily runs over, slaps her hand down on the couch excitedly, says "sit! sit!" and raises her arms in the air to be picked up. She then watches very closely as Lily feeds.

... and then time to softly, gently touch the baby. Lily is very gentle and Chloe loves it. Chloe really does stop crying when Lily comes close to her and starts talking. Usually as soon as Chloe starts crying, Lily immediately shoots bolt upright and says with a schocked look on her face, "Oh no!" ... which is then followed by her running towards Chloe pointing and looking at us, saying "sis-ter, sis-ter"

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