Saturday, October 26, 2013

Girls Play While Dad is Away (Oct. 22nd-25th, 2013)

Girls Play While Dad is Away

Here is Lily, not missing a beat, just hanging out in her toy been with her toys.

Here is Chloe striking a pose with her hand to her chin. She's thinking deep thoughts.

Here is Lily looking super grown up. I have no idea how she grew up so fast, but all of a sudden you look at this and she is a kid! She is sitting in her new booster seat.

Lily isn't so big when you look at her this way.

Ms. One-derful! This is what a young Elton John looked like.

Aww yeah, just relaxing. Takin' it easy.

What happened? So sad! 

Oh no! You won't fit into your toy house! So sad! 

Chloe doesn't approve. Her big sis should let Chloe try to fit into the toy house. She might just be able to fit.

... and then here are the two torturous photos I got while away. They were super cute and just made me miss my girls even more ... what cruelty?!

... and then here is Lily having a blast with her mom while dad is away. Lily loves getting tickled.

Sending Dad Off Well (Oct. 21st, 2013)

Sending Dad Off Well

Dad is about to leave for 4 days and 3 nights. This is the longest he has ever been away from Chloe, and the longest he has been away from Lily since she was a few weeks old. Everyone was super supportive and super nice.

Lauren, a.k.a. super woman, was already taking care of both babies.

Lily was being as cute as ever and having a blast all day.

She has now learned to smile every time there is a camera. This means you will be seeing a lot of this face.

 She's still only got a few teeth but she loves to show them off.

Father and daughter selfie!

Oh, and one of her many new things is wearing a cape and being super woman. Here she is running around town saving the day.

She can fly!

Awww, and here is her little sister Chloe relaxing in her heroin's cape

... and the smiles!


... and Lily loves the giant flower. This is Chloe's bath pad that goes into the sink.

Here is Lily playing one last time with dad before he heads off for his trip.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Chloe Comes Home (Oct. 19th, 2013)

Chloe Comes Home

Here is Lily, seeing her sister in her own house for the first time.

So, immediately she wants to hold and hug the baby. She's like, "mom, I got this, you can let go now"

Awww, and a big kiss from a great big sis'


... and here is an awesome shot of my four gals. Three generations of girls ... all under one roof ... even in one bedroom ... and me sleeping on a cot in the living room =)

"ok, ok, let me hold her already!"

Awwww, Lily is going to be a great big sister

Here is the video of Chloe's homecoming

Chloe's First Week of Life (Oct. 12th-18th, 2013)

Chloe's First Week

Just as a recap, here is Chloe on her birthday. This first one is moments after her birth, still gooey and fresh ...

... and then the nurses cleaned her up, combed her hell, put some mousse and gel in it, gave her a manipedi, a spa day, and back she came looking fantastic

... and look at those curls already!

... and here she is one day old ...

Here she is at four days old, looking adorable with her dark hair, olive skin, and chubby cheeks

... and here she is now five days old. Getting older by the day. She is now 25% older than she was yesterday.

... we have a little Zoolander on our hands. This is the blue steel look.

... and more smiles. Day 5 is a good day.


I just hear Joe from friends saying "Heeeyyyyyyy" with a clicky gun hand pointed at you.

... wow, day 6 is apparently a good day too. It's good to be Chloe

Lily Visiting the Hospital (Oct. 12th-18th, 2013)

Lily Loves the Hospital

So, after Chloe was born, an anonymous baker left us a great pumpkin bread (thank you Carolyn Warner!). We gave Lily a taste, and of course she LOVED it. 

... so in a cockney accent she asked "Please sir, I want s'more"

... and this was her reaction after we said "No way Jose!"

"Just kidding! You can have some more"

... and then just to see what she would do, we gave her the whole loaf ...

... and then just for fun we had her make some goofy faces, because she was nice and wound up ...

 ... and she really wanted to be like her sister and her mom. To be like her mom, she got a stuffed animal (actually two). She carries them with her wherever she goes and hugs and kisses them all day long. To be like her sister she wanted to ride around in this little bassinet.

... and then play time in the hospital room!

... and cell phones!

... and tickles!