Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sundresses at the Park (April 26, 2014)

When the sun comes out, it's time for the park! And of course, if you are heading to the park, you need some cute sun wear. Thanks to grandma for sending a care package of cute matching outfits to solve that problem. 

Here are the girls getting ready and lookin' good ...

Chloe's little poof up top that goes in every direction is just so ridiculous and cute at the same time.

... and off we go. Someone is excited!

Of course, on any walk to the park you happen across eleventh century churches such as the Church of San'Abbondio ...

 ... and some cute little stubby-legged goats ...

 Chloe was happy to just have a shovel to chew on. What else does a girl need at the park? Some grass to sit on, a cute outfit including a nice shady sunhat, and a nice shovel to suck on.

... contemplative Chloe

... yeah, she thought about it, she decided to be super happy as usual =)

... and then there is Lily, looking good with her shades on ... 

 ... and hot mama takin' selfies with Lily, even when Lily is running to the other side of the camera to watch ...

... and Chloe got to use a swing for the first time. She is still definitely a little small for the swing and every once in awhile has a big fall backwards or forwards in the huge chair ... but man did she enjoy the swing!

 ... and then back up to school for lunch and playtime ...

Here is Lily taking more photos with the camera. She loves seeing the pictures pop up on the back of the camera and pressing the button ("click!")

 It was going to be naptime, but the girls were still so dang happy!

I love this photo!

... and that night the clouds came in, the rain started, and then the thunder and lightning came in. While the Guinness Book of World Records was keeping track of this stat, Mount San Salvatore across from us was the most struck place on earth by lightning (the mountain we went up in the train last weekend). Here is the view from our balcony for a few minutes during one of these common spring lightning storms ...

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