Friday, May 23, 2014

A Normal (SUPER CUTE) Week in Casa Dilloughery (May 3 - 9, 2014)

Just another week in beautiful, spring-time Switzerland. We can't stop taking pictures from our balcony because we know we will be leaving it behind soon =(

Lauren has been keeping super active and getting her exercise. Here is a nice photo of her afternoon hike with her friend Cori.

... and meanwhile at the house, dad and the girls were having some fun

Even when the weather is gloomy it is beautiful

... and then it was home to the cutest daughters every ...

Then it was time for lunch, and some playtime in the grass

... and sometimes at nap time, the girls crash before they even make it to the bedroom. Lately Lily has been asking for nap time. It has been great. The other day she even asked to skip her bath and books and just go straight to bed. She slept like a rock.

... and then Lily bounces right back after a nap and feels AMAZING!

 Time for a walk, and there are lots of things to see ... such as DOGS!

 Chloe loves the walks, and she moves in style. She's got a new pair of shades and cool poses to boot.

Don't worry, Lily has cool shades and poses too.

Once at the park, Lily had a blast with her friends ... especially with her new bff "Cass-D!" (aka Cassidy)

 So, the short version is that one second Lily was standing on a bench, and the next she was flat on her back with a bloody nose. The nose gushed awhile but then Lily was all smiles again. This is one of my favorite photos of her.

... and then she washed off her dried blood in the fountain, lol.

Chloe was enjoying the show

... and wow, is Lauren looking great or what?!

... and of course Lily is big on helping out. She has started "cooking" with her mama. She even set the table today while dad was cooking (aka reheating mama's day-old cooking).

... and then it is off to bed together. Chloe had one of her first bottles, which is always a disaster. Lily loved it, both of them having their bottles together.

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