Friday, May 23, 2014

Another Week in Paradise (May 11 - 15, 2014)

Waking up to the usual morning view ...

... and then in the middle of the day ..

... and then I got to take this cool pic. It looks regular, but was actually taken in darkness with a long exposure.

So mom and dad started packing. This means there are suitcases everywhere and the house is a veritable playground. Lily and Chloe staked out their spot quick.

Play time!

They make the best of pals.

... and yeah, no surprise here ... Chloe can't stop smiling =)

 Happy 7 month birthday Chloe!

... and then when we look away for a few seconds, the girls are up to no good. Chloe dives onto her tummy and starts surfing the web ...

... and you'll notice Lily in the background scaling anything and everything she can get her hands and feet on.

Oh gosh this girl melts my heart!

... and then it's cocktail hour. Lily loves her stinky cheese!

Then for dinner, sometimes we eat at home, which is tons of fun. Lily and Chloe love playing with each other.

Then a normal old TASIS dining hall dinner - which always involves spotting some kids. Here are Lily and Iona "sleepy" on the steps together.

The McKees are the best. Whenever we see them, Laney and Greer take Lily and Chloe and run off to play with them. Here they are with one of their favorite pals - Olaf!

... and here they are rolling around in the grass with Lily

... and then it is back to the house for a bath and bedtime. Lily has learned a new trick. After her bath, she loves to wrap a towel around herself and walk around saying oo-la-la or "oo-la!" and posing. She just might even throw a dance move in there too for good measure.

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