Saturday, May 3, 2014

Cute Pictures Around the House (April 27 - May 3, 2014)

The view out our window this morning when we woke up around 7:30am.

Playing around in the morning putting on hats

Amy came over and brought her baby Nathaniel over to visit Chloe. Nathaniel is one week Chloe's senior. They got along super well (and Nathaniel looks exactly like Amy!)

 Lily cuddling with her "sissy" before nap time

Chloe passed out during her nap. She wriggles around quite a bit during her naps, haha.

Happy time after nap time!

Nonnie and Poppie reading Lily her books before bedtime over Skype

... and a few night time photos with Chloe before putting her down to bed too

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