Friday, May 23, 2014

A Day at the Cheese Factory (May 4, 2014)

A beautiful Sunday sunrise

... and two adorable daughters to wake up with ...

After some nice breakfast and a few showers, the sun was fully out and it was time to get dressed and out the door.

These girls are just too adorable!

Look who can brush their teeth like a pro.

Aww, Chloe doesn't like being left alone in her chair. She just wants to cuddle!

 It was off to the Cheese factory. All around Switzerland the cheese factories were open. This was no industrial warehouse factory. This was a beautiful, happy-goat, farm-factory.

... which meant there were LOTS of goats for Lily to play with

... and eventually she wore herself out and needed to rest

 ... and then it was back to TASIS for some dinner, and as always Chloe was loving the food. I swear she is going to be bigger than Lily soon at the rate she eats. I am pretty sure she eats more food on a daily basis than Lily, and then she tops it off with some nice breast milk for healthy growing.

 ... and then it was time for bed. Anything that Chloe sees mom, dad or Lily enjoying she wants. Chloe has been more and more interested in Lily's bottles and her parents' electronics. Lily loves it!

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