Saturday, November 30, 2013

More Sisters!! (November 20-27, 2013)

Here they are loving hanging out together

 ... and even more cuddle time! Lily loves to run over to the couch and slap it and say "sit!' and put her hands up in the air  ... so you can pick her up and put her on the couch. Then she holds out her two hands and says "sister!" and you lay Chloe on top of her. This is all she wants to do all the time ...

... even today when we went to get Chloe's passport photos. Lily just sat down on the ground in the middle of the store and held Chloe

 ... and when we can't hug sister, we love to hug Mama!

... but we love sister too!

... and since all of the photos were of Chloe. I thought I would throw one up of Lily. Here she is, with her hair finally long enough for pony tails and pig tails ... and she's wearing her "Made in Ecuador" shirt.

... and in honor of sisters ... here is a great photo of Grandma with her sisters!

More and More Photos of Chloe! (November 20-27, 2013)

Here they are ... the photos you've been waiting for ... lots and lots of photos of our adorable new daughter ... poor Lily. It's like she doesn't get any attention at all, haha ... enjoy!

... and we saved the two best for last

Road Trip to Milan for Brunch (November 24, 2013)

It always works out that when you have the best of times, you never think to take out the camera. This was one of those trips ... but we got a few shots as the adventure started.

Chloe woke up smiling, which is always great ...

 Then we hopped in our beater car with our makeshift radio (which had to be held every time I hit the gas pedal, unless you wanted it to fall for the 100th time haha) ...

 ... and within minutes, we had a sleeping, milk-drunk Lily in the back seat

Friday, November 29, 2013

Lily's First Snow (November 22, 2013)

We woke up to our first snow in Switzerland. It was a sleep-in day for us, but my alarm accidentally went off. I got up to shut it off and when I laid down in bed, I looked up at the skylight and it was covered in snow. I said, "Lauren! The skylight is covered in snow!" and within minutes we were all up, shutters being opened, Lily was getting into her shoes and jacket ... we were a hustlin' and a bustlin' to get outside while it was still snowing. Sure enough it started dumping down snow and Lily LOVED it.

This is what we woke up to ...

... and this was a minute or two later

... and then another minute or two later

... and then this

Lily absolutely loved it ... and looked adorable playing in it

... all the while Chloe was hanging out snug as a bug inside, just smiling away

Sisters Goofing Around (November 20, 2013)

Chloe: "Doot dee doo, that's a nice looking wall over there"
Lily: "Hey guys, watch me totally sneak up on sister"

Lily: "Gotcha!

Chloe: "What the heck?!?"
Lily: "hehehe"

Chloe: "Where is she? Why I oughta ..."

... and then it was time for a photo shoot. 

For some reason, the girls decided to make all the same faces at first. First a nice classic smile ...

... then an open mouth laughing smile ...

... and then a nice slap in the face! (haha, just kidding Lily does it super soft. She has learned "soft, soft, soft" from petting dogs and so she loves petting Chloe's face and hair) 

... and her sister loves it

... and back to match each other ... a nice lean-back smile

... and then just a smiley baby