Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Last Few Weeks in Switzerland (May 20 - June 5, 2014)

Here are a few shots Lily took on the ipad. She knows how to get into filters and things that I can't even find.

 ... and then a kiddo selfie!

Lily's new favorite thing is to take photos and then look at them on the camera's screen. Here was dad making some faces for her.

One of Lily's first times cooking with mama

Haha, Chloe loving the grass after a nice lunch at the dining hall

Awww, and Lily mimicking everything we do. Here she is feeding her baby doll.

Lauren got all dressed up to head to the Senior Banquet and say goodbye to all of her seniors (as well as everyone else)

Then it was dad's turn to get dressed up. I was off to the big graduation ceremony.

Mama felt sick, but Lily took good care of her

... and then after the graduation it was play time in the sun with some of our best friends (The McKees!)

Chloe LOVES piggy back rides

... and Lily loves following Greer around

... and of course we got to see our other best friends - the Dibberts!

Ah, we will miss the family hour during spring, after a nice dining hall dinner. All the kiddos running around in the grass and playing. All the parents hanging out, while keeping an eye on the toddlers =) 

  Big sisters love playing with their younger sibblings - They do the darndest things

 Her big sister loves her above all else though!

Here is a nice video of Lily kissing and hugging Chloe

... and here they are dancing up a storm together

... even pushing them around in their strollers

... and of course Lily is adorable on her own and she LOVES to play

Here is Lily trying to make a sad face for the camera

Lily loves trying on her mama's shoes (and dad's). She puts them on all by herself and has a blast clopping around the house. Here she is wearing some of her mom's high heels.

Here is Lily having a blast at the Lugano Lido. She is finally comfortable with the water slides and loving them!

... and here is Lily talking up a storm. Lauren is asking her who we will be living with and where they live.

 ... and this is the smiley face to Lauren and I get to wake up to every morning =)

Oh Chloe! You're so freaking adorable!

Here is Chloe trying to get all fours. She is getting close to crawling ... but just like her big sister, she waited until getting home to the U.S.A. to start crawling

... and here are a few final family shots in Switzerland

Here we are trying to get Lily into headphones for the 24-hour journey back to California

 We even bought her her own pair - She likes 'em

... and then our visitor joined us in time for our big road trip!

It was sad to say goodbye to good friends

Time for a road trip!

Say goodbye to Montagnola

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