Wednesday, July 16, 2014

European Road Trip 2014 - Back to Switzerland to leave Europe (June 16, 2014)

Time to say goodbye to Germany

Oh you know, this is what a rest stop in Switzerland looks like, haha. Yeah, it is possibly more beautiful than a lodge at a national park like Yosemite ... that's just a random rest stop on the side of the highway.

Then back on the road again!

 ... and as soon as we got our feet on the ground in Montagnola, it was off to the new Splash and Spa park to have one last great night out with the McKees

Lily lost her fear of the water. She loves jumping in, even when she is going to go under water for awhile. We need to re-instill some healthy fear in her to keep her safe =)

... and she had a blast going up and down the slides with the McKee girls. We will miss our good friends!

 ... and Chloe LOVED the selfies that night


  1. Hi, I am an editor for was hoping to get permission to use the image of the Swiss rest area for an upcoming blog post. My deadline is Thursday, 1/21/2016. I'd be happy to email you more details about the project-- You can reach me at connie [at] cartalk [dot] com . Thanks for consideration, and great photos!

    1. Sorry for the late reply, but yeah you can definitely use the photos. My wife just forwarded me your message - I posted using her gmail. I told her to respond to you as well but she isn't quick to respond to emails as you saw =)
