Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Flying Home to Santa Cruz (June 18, 2014)

After staying overnight in the airport hotel, which was a GREAT idea with kids and bags and everything ... and some chaos in the morning because the people at the checkout counter were inept ... we FINALLY made it to the gate on got on our flights. After that morning chaos, everything went SUPER smoothly and the girls could not have been better. By far the best day of flying we've ever had. We even had an extra seat on both flights. Chloe loved it!

She also LOVED Lily's new headphones, haha

Meanwhile, Lily was having a blast with her suitcase. She rolled it around everywhere and we kept all of their toys in it.

... and here we are with everything we owned in Switzerland (that we didn't sell off). This is our apartment and our lives in 9 checked bags, two carry-ons, one stroller, two carseats, a backpack, a diaper bag, and Lily's suitcase.

The second flight went even smoother than the first. Lily started watching the movie Brave and then both girls went down for a nap for the entire 6 hour flight from JFK to SFO. Heaven.

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