Wednesday, July 16, 2014

European Road Trip 2014 - First Stop Pula, Croatia (June 8 - 11, 2014)

Goodbye Switzerland

Off we go!

Hello Croatia. This was the view from our 3-bedroom apartment window. A kid's playground and then the beach ... couldn't have been better.

Off to dinner to eat some delicious seafood after 7 hours in the car.

Chloe loved dinner, as always

... and both kiddos were in a great mood. Lily LOVES to play peekaboo with Chloe when Lily is done with her food.

 ... and then Lily got ahold of a lemon, so we took out the video camera. Her reaction is great. This was one of the first times she had ever tried a lemon.

... then we gave the lemon to Chloe to see her reaction, and like all other food, she just liked it and went for more ... no reaction! lol

Then, after a good night's sleep, we had a nice breakfast on the patio

We had to put sunscreen on. When you tell Lily we are putting sunscreen on, this is the face she makes

... and then it was off to the beach. Lily was ready to go!

Ok, we can stop at the park on the way ...

 The Ariatic Sea was beautiful! It was aqua blue and crystal clear. The one thing about the beaches in Croatia is that they are rocky and not sandy, but you just wear flip flops and you're good to go. 

 Lily's favorite past time was throwing rocks into the Adriatic.

Lily showing off her throwing rocks

Awww, look at that happy couple. Nothing like a warm European beach vacation with our lovely kids.

Mama, the gals and our friend Katelyn, relaxing in the sun 

Even until sunset, Lily continued to throw her rocks

 In the evenings, we would take nice walks along the beach

 The sunsets were breathtaking

 ... and then to wake up to warm weather, blue water, and a great view ... it was an amazing trip ... though, sometimes we woke up looking a little disheveled

.... but we were still happy as can be and playing with our sister in matching outfits!

... and then off to the beach!!

Lily apparently loved the cold water of the Adriatic Sea this day. Some other days it was too cold for her, but this time it was just right. She was a jumping maniac.

 ... and while the kiddos napped, the girls went out on the city to see some history.

 Then back to the beach for the rest of the trip!!

Then time to say goodbye to the beautiful sea and head off ...

Goodbye Croatia!

Then off to Munich, Germany. We had an awesome time in the car. Dad drove and we had a dance party - even while half asleep ...

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