Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas 2013 - New Years 2014 Low Tide Walk (January 2, 2014)

To start off the new year well, Lauren, the girls, my parents, Lauren's parents and I headed down to the beach (two blocks away!) to walk through the tide pools. It was a King Tide (highest and lowest tides of the year). The low tide just happened to be at sunset which made for a great evening walk.

We each had a baby strapped to us =)

Lauren is lookin' good! ... and Lily is pretty cute too

Three generations

The first tide pools we came to had a nice octopus (we saw two more as we walked too!)

... and everyone got a kick out of the tide pools.

Lily was looking SUPER cute, and couldn't get enough of the "agua! agua! agua!" We gave up trying to keep her relatively dry and let her just stomp and splash around.

It was a beautiful walk

... and then the sun started to set and we had some amazingly colorful skies

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