Saturday, January 18, 2014

Christmas 2013 - Last Days in Santa Cruz (January 11-12, 2014)

Lily was just healed the last few days before leaving, and we headed to Mom Mom's for a game morning. Lily was shy for a few minutes, and then instantly warmed up to all of the kiddos.

Awwww, a great shot of father and daughter

What awesome cousins! In a few years (or a decade) this will be Lily and Chloe with their cousins!

... just missing dad for a full four generations. What a great shot of grandma and great grandma.

There it is. All four generations!

... and then it was off to Nonnie and Poppy's for play time.

Look at Poppy flying around that corner!

... and then Nonnie not far behind

Then Lily got to meet her doppleganger Lilly Joy

and finally back to the house for one last evening before a 24 hour travel experience

What is that?! An alien?!

Lily the daredevil with her new helmet, riding on her bug. She got a new bike for Christmas (the coasting type without pedals) but her feet don't yet touch the ground, lol. So this summer she can enjoy the bike.


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