Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas 2013 - Finally on the Mend (January 8-9, 2014)

So, the family went down for a second virus in so many weeks. This time it was Lily losing her voice and coughing up a lung while mom got a short flu. That just left adorable Chloe and dad. Back into the quarantine zone!

Here is the healthy baby, being a great sport while everyone around her is sick.

... this was at around 2:30 in the morning when Lauren woke me up to take Chloe. Chloe wasn't sleeping, but she was definitely not crying either.

... and then here she is posing with her sick mom, who still manages to look great while stuffed up and fluey

 ... and all the while, Lily is down for the count with her second virus. She is super cute without a voice. Everything she says sounds super cute and she has been a great sport. She is starting to finally feel better.

... we had lots of cuddle time, and lots of movies and tv ... which is usually a rare treat for Lily in Switzerland.

... and then it was back to the races, literally. Lily has a new ride and grandma was pushing her all over on it.

... and as much as we tried, we couldn't keep sick Lily away from "sis-sis!" Here she is holding mama and sisters' hands

 ... and loving it

... and of course lots of kisses!!

I love this picture!

 ... morning cuddle time. PJs and juice.

... I love this picture too!

... and of course, more kisses

1 comment:

  1. These are great! I especially love the twinkle/reflection in Chloe's eye in the second picture, Lauren looks great and not sick at all! And I love the picture of Lily opening her mouth wide in pure joy while holding Chloe's hand. The pictures of both of them together are GREAT!
