Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lily and the Agua (January 29, 2014)

Lily insisted on drinking out of her cup herself tonight. I was a little wary but she seemed to be doing well. 

It didn't last long. Cup #2 of Agua...well...I guess she doesn't need a bath tonight!

Also, I'm pretty sure she was yelling at me in what sounded like alien. Not going to lie. I'm a little freaked out.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Relaxing around the house (January 20-22, 2014)

This is how the kids of a math teacher relax ... splayed out with a calculator in their hand, haha.

Then their mom, who has much more fashion, dresses them up in ridiculously cute outfits.

This sign means either mama, dada, horse, or hat ... she can correctly use it for each, but discerning which she means can sometimes be a trick. I think she was saying mama this time.

The thug life

 This is a great photo of Lauren and Chloe

"Awww, mom, not in front of the camera! Geeze!"

"Did she just do that in front of the camera? How embarrassing MOM!!!"

"There there Chloe, it's ok. They'll delete the photo and no one will ever see it. It'll be ok."

 "Not really, tehehehe"

"You better delete that photo, or else!"

Chloe has really ticklish feet (January 25, 2014)

Here is Chloe at three months old (three and a half really), and she is tired and sick ... but can't stop laughing to having her feet tickled. She just started laughing about a month ago when we went home to Santa Cruz for Christmas (oh boy that was an interesting trips between flights and diseases). Right when we got back about a week ago, she started really continuously chuckling/giggling/laughing. We finally managed to catch it on tape! She's exhausted and sick with something, but ticklish feet are ticklish feet. Enjoy!

... and for the record, here were some of Chloe's first laughs with her Grandma and auntie Bri over Christmas break in Santa Cruz

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday Morning Coffee (January 22, 2014)

Lily and I are both obsessed with our Nespresso machine because of its milk steamer. Lily loves to get a few spoonfuls of my steamed milk in the morning but today I gave her her own cup.  She went bonkers for it, instantly tapping her high chair so I would set it down. She refused to let me touch the cup and would clutch it to her chest any time I would try to reach for it! 

Don't worry...she always takes time out for a dance break! 

Then it's back to business! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Chloe is 3 Months Old! (January 21, 2014)

Time has flown by! I can't believe Chloe is already 3 months old! She loves tummy time and I swear she'll be sitting up any day now. Lily is still loving her sister and wants to play with her all the time. Chloe loves it...she's always just smiling away! ❤

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Arriving in Lugano (January 17-18, 2014)

After skipping her nap and then waking up at 1am instead of 7 or 8am .... AND THEN traveling all day and arriving here at our house at what was about 3am Santa Cruz time ... and having only a few naps of less than an hour here or there ...

This is what catching up on sleep looks like. She took a 3 hours nap, was up for 2 hours, and then went to bed and slept from 8pm until 1pm the next day. That means she slept 20 of 22 hours, and slept for 17 hours straight!! I went in around noon and took this picture. I used the flash twice and she didn't even bat an eye. Hands behind the head, shirt unzipped (she did that herself sometime in the night). She needed that sleep! Today she slept in until 10am and then took a solid 3 hour nap. We're almost there!

The first day back was curtains closed for us, just trying to keep our eyes open and go to bed at a normal time, but we had missed a night's sleep ... we arrived at around 11am here which would be about 2am in Santa Cruz ... and that was after getting up at 1am in Santa Cruz ... so a half night's sleep and then no night's sleep ... and staying up all day with the two girls after all that? No way!

Chloe basically slept for 24-48 hours straight with a few times of being awake for about 30-45min and just smiling and laughing away. After our first night (not being able to really sleep, waking up to girls crying non stop, etc etc) we "woke up" to inches and inches of snow. This was the view out of our front door.

... so we at 1pm when Lily woke up we pointed out the window and she went "OH!!!!" and immediately ran to the door and grabbed her shoes and jacket. She was ready to go quicker than dad was (that's common)

Even mom and Chloe made it out. What a cute bunch of girls!

... and man oh man was Chloe cute and smiley

Lily was even playing with her sister a bit. This reminds me of how I played with Sean, except I was the one biting the heads off of his toys, haha.

 ... and then Lily spilled water all over the bed, which we dried up with a hair dryer ... and Lily LOVED that

... then today it was off to the store to restock our fridge (we pretty much lived off of goldfish crackers, water, beer, and stove top stuffing the first day and a half). Lily got all dressed up and looked adorable. Then we went to lunch after the store and Lily got to play with all of her school chums.

Christmas 2013 - Last Days in Santa Cruz (January 11-12, 2014)

Lily was just healed the last few days before leaving, and we headed to Mom Mom's for a game morning. Lily was shy for a few minutes, and then instantly warmed up to all of the kiddos.

Awwww, a great shot of father and daughter

What awesome cousins! In a few years (or a decade) this will be Lily and Chloe with their cousins!

... just missing dad for a full four generations. What a great shot of grandma and great grandma.

There it is. All four generations!

... and then it was off to Nonnie and Poppy's for play time.

Look at Poppy flying around that corner!

... and then Nonnie not far behind

Then Lily got to meet her doppleganger Lilly Joy

and finally back to the house for one last evening before a 24 hour travel experience

What is that?! An alien?!

Lily the daredevil with her new helmet, riding on her bug. She got a new bike for Christmas (the coasting type without pedals) but her feet don't yet touch the ground, lol. So this summer she can enjoy the bike.


Christmas 2013 - A Day at the Beach (January 14, 2014)

Well, when it's 75 degrees during winter ... you head to the beach. It just so happens that Lily is a water fanatic!

... time to head down to the water with her two babies. Look at those legs! Only three months after having Chloe.

... just chilling at the beach.