Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sisters Hanging All Over Each Other (January 23 - February 8, 2014)

Here are Lily and Chloe have tons of fun together. They are inseparable ... which really means Chloe can't move and Lily climbs all over her all the time, haha.

... this was the best shot of a bunch. We put them into matching outfits and tried to get a photo. It didn't work out, lol

... and then matching pony tails (or top knots depending on where you have long hairs on your head Chloe)

... here they are watching a movie together (Frozen), while Lily eats blueberries.

Sometimes big sisters make you laugh ...

... and sometimes they are sweet and nurturing ...

... sometimes they just want to cuddle ...

... and sometimes they are just plain crazy

1 comment:

  1. I love these!! So glad I have sisters now. No offense Brendan, but brothers are different than sisters :) great, but happy I have the girls now :)
