Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hanging Out With Friends (January 23-26, 2014)

Lily and Chloe have lots of friends. Here are some of our fellow teachers, Blair and Sarah hanging around the house with us and visiting with the girls.

... and then the McKees came over. These are our family favorites. Lily goes NUTS for the girls! Here was the only semi-normal shot ... and then it was hugging, chasing, rolling over each other, and so on =)

Here is Delaney, who is six.

... and here is Greer who is four.

After playtime was over, the girls had to wind down. Lily got her bottle and instead of reading some books with her mom or dad, she laid down and watched Frozen on both sides of her. She loved it!

... and then Sunday morning it was off to Milan for brunch. We stopped at one of our favorite places, La Vineria. They make good wine and sell it cheap in all sorts of refillable containers. Lily couldn't make up her mind!

... so we bought it all. Here is Steve carrying our 10-Liter box (that's about 13 bottles of wine) and our 3-Liter glass jug ... as well as some wine for his place, haha (all for under 50 euros!).

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