Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lily (January 23 - February 8, 2014)

Here are some shots of Lily over the last two weeks.

Here she is thinking (all Lilies think a lot)

Here she is going wild before bed

... and here she is enjoying the heck out of dinner

... oh and playing Piano on mama's Iphone is a favorite hobby

... and her hair is finally long enough for a real pony tail!

... and here is breakfast this morning. She had pancakes, which she thinks are just there to lick butter and syrup off of.

... and then she came up with the idea of painting her yogurt onto the pancakes and licking the yogurt off ... which didn't make a bit of a mess

... so after breakfast, we stripped her down and she took a shower with mama. I don't know if it is just me, but I think she looks a LOT like I did as a kid in these photos. I will put a photo of me below just to compare ... maybe I'm crazy

1 comment:

  1. Wow Lily's hair is long. She does resemble you quite a bit.
