Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lily's First Birthday Party (July 21, 2013)

Lily's First Birthday Party

... and what a party it was! Here is Lily is with mama before the party started.

I tried to get entrance photos of people as they came in. Megan and Kyle were awesome enough to show up super early and help prep the grand shindig.

Also, pre-party helpers ... the grandparents!

The grillmaster (and grandparent)!

This is actually a hug ... she is not strangling Lily ... the photo is cute, not murderous

I love this photo! Stella is so happy watching Lily.


What a nice dress! Give it to me!

The Dilloughery gang!

Awe, Lauren's little sisters

This is a great photo of Martin & Courtney

The gentlemen and scholars of the party

Grandma and great grandma!

Bri and Jus-Jus

Uncle and niece, enjoying the party

What? The birthday girl with her cousin!

Lily experiencing sand for the first time (I don't think she really noticed the first time we were at the beach, because we were there for so short a time).

The whole family! (well, you can't really see #2 in the photo yet ... but she's coming soon!)

... there's baby #2! What's the name?! What will she be like?! Oh well, enjoy the party with one baby and we will soon find out!

Lily's first birthday cake. She may have had a little dainty cupcake on her actual birthday ... but this was cake cake ... and it was meant to be devoured bare-fisted and open-mouthed ... devoured like a 

... and presents! Many presents! Time for presents!

... yeah, that's the one Lily wants ... who cares about the outfits? the toys? Give'er the booze!

... and finally, some rest ... time for bed

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